Plenary Sessions
We meet in plenary session twice yearly, alternating between venues in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Each plenary lasts one and a half days and is overseen by the two Co-Chairs.
Our members sit in alphabetical order rather than as delegations of their respective legislatures, and national representation is only relevant for the purposes of the quorum and the tabling of certain motions and amendments.
The parliaments, regional assemblies and devolved institutions represented share a common tradition and style of debate, and these common roots are reflected in the way the Assembly operates.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and public health situation the planned plenary session due in Ireland in 2020 had to be cancelled and for similar reasons the UK plenary session in October 2020 had to be cancelled.
An exttraordinary plenary session was held in the Parliament Buildings in Stormont in March 2023 to mark the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement.